Irgendwie sinnlos...

Irgendwie sinnlos...
12 Stunden Trockenfutter? Das schĂŒtte ich in einen Napf und gut isses.
Originally shared by Adafruit Industries
12 Hour Cat Feeder
From Nick Stanley on
If you take a look at the numerous pet feeders on Hackster, you’ll find most use a cereal dispenser, which is the approach I’ve taken. There are other implementations where people have crafted their own dispensing system, but who can argue for $20 on Amazon. And it comes with two dispensers, so you can make one for each pet, or have a backup when you explode the first one.
My initial plan was to attach a motor hub to the dispenser handle and attach a motor to the hub. As I started working with the handle, I noticed it slides right out, and has a not that let me use a standard motor coupler instead. So I cut off the silver handle and did just that.
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